Can You Eat American Beautyberry

Can you eat american beautyberry
Medicinal Properties This plant has antibacterial, antiviral, astringent, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and diuretic (root bark) properties. Astringent and cooling, beautyberry is useful to help treat bleeding in the lungs and stomach.
How do you know when beauty berries are ripe?
The berries ripen from green to a bright purple color in late summer-early fall. Berry clusters should be completely purple when picked, which means American beautyberry picking season starts in October where we live (Greenville, SC / Ag zone 7b).
Can you eat purple berries?
Amelanchier alnifolia is a shrub that's native to North America. It grows 3–26 feet (1–8 meters) high and produces edible fruit known as saskatoon berries. These purple berries are approximately 1/4–1 inch (5–15 mm) in diameter (37). They have a sweet, nutty flavor and can be eaten fresh or dried.
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